Little Mosque on the Prairie Renewed- Season 4

1 04 2009

CBC has finally issued  an  indication communicating  that Little Mosque on the Prairie  has been  renewed for a fourth  humorous season.While it is pleasing to be informed of the show’s renewal, it should be noted that CBC will be reducing  funding for the program as a result of the recent economic down turn.This consequently means that the  fourth season will be shorter in length than the previous two seasons which consisted of a total of 20 episodes.There is currently no public information  regarding the extent to which the funding  will be  reduced.Further information will be  released as it is obtained.

Funding  will also be reduced for various other CBC programs including This Hour Has 22 Minutes, The Border and Being Erica.

According to CBC , the fourth season of Little Mosque on the Prairie will commence on  the network on September 28 2009 at 8:30 pm  eastern standard time.

Keep visiting our site  in the upcoming period for more information on the fourth season.Congratulations are extended to the cast and crew of Little Mosque on the Prairie.Being renewed  for a fourth season is a huge accomplishment!

What would you like to see develop in the fourth season of Little Mosque on the Prairie?Drop  us a comment below to share your thoughts!



3 responses

18 05 2009

I think this is a good news. The show is definitely breaking barriers between Islamic culture and other cultures. The few past years were quite rough on Islamic culture and ignorant people associate Islam to a lot of horrible (mostly untrue) facts and this doesn’t do any good to anyone.


18 10 2009

What I would love to see is that we know that Rayaan and Amaar have feeling for each other since the 1st season, and that during the last season it almost came ahead. With the break-up of Rayaan’s engagement I think it is time for the Imam and the Doctor to get married. I would also like to see a convert that covers that is the opposite of Sarah. Though I love her I think that a lot of converts are her opposite and do wear hijab and do take the faith more seriously and so I would like to either see her character evolve or have a counter convert to Sarah. I would also love to see our Radio host convert.


13 11 2009
Abbas Karimjee

Habepte,thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts on the future of Little Mosque on the Prairie. I especially agree with your point on the need for the show to depict converts in a religious manner as well-since the reality is that there is a balance of both converts who take the faith seriously and those who do not.

How are you enjoying the fourth season so far?Please feel free to continue to drop by and share your thoughts!
Abbas Karimjee, Blog Manager


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