Manifest Season 2 Trailer and Exclusive Discussion Questions

23 12 2019
  • The callings seem to be answering some of the questions brought forth from the premiere such answering where our passengers were for 5.5 years.Through the callings, we can see they are discovering that they may have crashed on an Island.
  • Given this, why do none of them remember this and what does Cal exactly discover- does it piece together the puzzle of their mystery?Is there an extra terrestrial or divine force behind this that will be explained?
  • Why are the callings revealing to them what may have happened during their disappearance at this specific point and will their revelations help extend or at least understand their supposed expiry dates?
  • On another note, who you think the father of the Grace’s child is?How will the identity of the father impact who she potentially chooses as her mate, moving forward?If the child is Ben’s, how will the supernatural experiences contribute to the development of this child?If it is Danny’s,will Ben still be graceful or will it be the tipping point of his patience in dealing with his wife’s duplicity ?
  • It seems Zeke survived, but if he is not giving up without a fight, could that mean Jared has also survived?Who would you like to see Michaela with?
  • What is the violent threat the passengers are facing and how does this connect this new character who is threatening to expose a “danger the passengers pose”?How does the major play into all of this.
  • What else are you looking forward to seeing from the coming season of Manifest?The theme of balancing faith and science in understanding that which cannot be easily comprehended is an interesting theme as is the family dynamics and how they evolve(or deteriorate) through the passage of time and separation.



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