Modern Family Season 4 Episode 5- Open House of Horrors

24 10 2012

Read through the official description of tonight’s Modern Family which shall air @ 9:00pm eastern time on ABC and City TV.

When the Dunphys’ neighbors find Claire’s annual Halloween extravaganza inappropriate, Phil suggests having an open house for the holiday. Meanwhile, Mitchell and Cameron host a costume party, but must also field questions from Lily about her birth mom; and Gloria’s pregnancy intensifies her emotions[ABC]

How will Claire respond to not doing her extravaganza of her favorite holiday? What exactly will the open house involve? How will Mitchell and Cameron’s costume party work out and what exactly prompts Lilly to want to discover about her biological mother?Sound off in the comments section!

Terra Nova Episode 7 Preview- Nightfall

7 11 2011

 A scene from 'Terra Nova' episode seven. Courtesy Citytv.
Take a read through FOX’s official episode  synopsis  and the promotional features for tonight’s episode  of Terra Nova, entitled Nightfall. The episode will air @ 8:00pm eastern standard time on FOX[USA] and City TV[Canada]
 Episode Synopsis:Airs: MON 8/7c NOV 7

On the Next Episode of TERRA NOVA…

A crashing meteor wipes out all technology and wreaks havoc on the colony. Meanwhile, Maddy and Reynolds are stuck out in the wilderness, Elisabeth and Skye work together to save a life, and Taylor tries to prevent Mira and the “Sixers” from invading Terra Nova. Also, a mystery man makes his presence known[FOX]

Will technology be restored to the camp? Will Maddy and Reynold’s be able to return to the camp and will they encounter the Sixers as they attempt to?  What are your thought’s on Mira’s  plan to use  a dinosaur to  break through to Terra Nova and will she be succesful? How exactly  will she overthrow Taylor and will she  use  Josh to help achieve her goals, as she   requires of him in order to recruit Kara? How will Taylor manage  to defend the colony without technology? Share your thoughts, speculations and hopes for this episode in the comments section!

Terra Nova Episode 6 Preview – Bylaw

31 10 2011

Take a read/peak at the promotional features  for tonight’s episode of Terra Nova, Bylaw. The episode will air  @ 9:00pm eastern standard time  on FOX[USA] and City TV[Canada]

Jim and Taylor investigate the first murder in the colony; Skye helps Josh find a way to reunite with his girlfriend from 2149; Elisabeth and Zoe try to help an unborn ankylosaurus survive.[TV Guide]

 What thoughts or speculations do you have for this episode?What do you think about Taylor;s decision to exile the alleged murderer and  what thoughts do you have on the criteria used to assess guilt? Also, what are your thoughts on  how Taylor makes the final decisions? Do you think this speaks to Mira’s comments in the previous episode about Taylor pissing off some powerful people in 2149? What do you hope/ predict  about how Elizabeth and Zoe’s efforts will turn out with the anklosarus?