The Morning Show Season 2 Episode 8-Review and Hot Topics

7 11 2021

Discussion Points

  • Bradley’s decision or inclination to abandon her brother-can one blame her or does she have an obligation as she too did not achieve her current status without the support of others?
  • Alex seems to be a horrible human being. That is our stance on her for now, but what do you think and why? When she went to deliver the news to Mitch’s ex wife,Paige, she herself is forced to acknowledge that she was not coerced into sleeping with him like so many of the other woman who Mitch had actually victimized. Was she an enabler to a sexual predator? Does she not care about whether someone is a predator as long as she does not look bad? This season has been a lot about trying to piece together who Alex actually is vs her reputation.Do you see a discrepancy or not?
  • Also the fact that Alex had the audacity to tell Paige that she only had relations with Mitch twice as if that somehow made it less excusable shows how unaware of certain parts of who she is.We have seen how she seems to have a selective memory when it comes to her own wrong doings both recent and from long ago.What are your thoughts on this?
  • The interesting aspect of this show which corresponds to our own lives is that while it is an individual who commits assaults on a victim,is there a culture present which condones these types of behaviors in society, particularly towards those at the top. While Mitch has passed,the question remains if this culture at UBA,which some may say is apart of his legacy, may remain and if so, how can true change come about? Is having Bradley announce Mitch’s death symbolic of this change? Discuss.
  • Stella taking charge-Stella is showing more comfort in her role and assuming a sense of authority.
  • Chuck and Alex- will they reconcile?While Chuck used harsh words towards Alex,was  he not  just being truthful?Does Alex not have any remorse for the challenges she causes to her team and network when she disappears abruptly?
  • The complexity of humanity can be seen in the mixed responses towards Mitch’s demise.
  • On a lighter note,will you or will you not miss Steve Carell’s involvement on The Morning Show?

These are just some discussion topics from the previous episode.Feel free to respond to any or all of them and share some of your own in the comments section below!

Hot Discussion Topics From The Morning Show’s La Amara Vita

31 10 2021

Steve Carell in “The Morning Show" (Apple TV+)
  • What repercussions will the release of the book have on Alex’s career, given that she has been viewed as a feminist after what she did in the season 1 finale with Bradley?Moreover,how will it impact her family dynamics as has been foreshadowed this year.
  • Alex is complicated-her guilt by association. One might ask if men are held to the same level of accountability when associated with a female who is morally tainted?
  • We see that while Alex wants to hate Mitch,it is almost like she knows two different versions of him and in this time of crisis wanted to go back to that familiarity of Mitch.
  • We know that Alex has a tendency to forget the horrible things she says or does-do you think her encounter with Mitch and his subsequent demise, will cause her to evaluate who she is and who she wants to be?Do you think she or anybody like her is capable of change and how would this impact UBA’S  future?On a broader note,to what extent are we as human beings are capable of change?
  • Mitch’s demise-Mitch appears to be more of a character who can’t really experience empathy or concern for something not directly related to him. He desperately wants to be seen as a good  person but does not really want to take responsibility for anything he has done as seen by his response to being progressive for liking black woman as opposed to recognizing he was a predator. Perhaps he truly is nuts because he does not have insight. What is your response to how they killed him off?
  • Going forward, will UBA face another lawsuit from Bradley Jackson when she finds out Corey divulged her sexual orientation?Will this bring out a larger discussion of their treatment towards LGBT and other minority employees?

These are just some discussion topics from the previous episode.Feel free to respond to any or all of them and share some of them in the comments section below!